After almost three months of relative stillness in Buenos Aires, Argentina, it’s time for me to get moving again. As you know, I’m a perpetual nomad and vagabond at heart – the urge to explore new places is constantly simmering inside me.
My prolonged stay in Buenos Aires was productive though. I hunkered down and cranked out a ton of new content for The Radio Vagabond podcast and video channels. I kicked off a brand new season last month, with episodes from exotic locales like Bali, Rio de Janeiro, Rwanda, Burundi, and soon – Sydney and a cruise to New Zealand.
I’ve also launched “Vagabond Shorts” – bite-sized 10-minute episodes released every weekend to give you a snackable dose of travel inspiration. Upcoming shorts will cover hidden gems in Paris, top Sydney sights, a Pacific Coast Highway road trip, tourist scams to watch out for, the world’s best beaches, and more.
To support this ramped up content schedule, I’ve assembled a small team including video producers at VidPros who transform my audio into slick videos, and my new assistant Michaela who ensures everything runs smoothly behind the scenes. My goal is to bring you a new full episode every Tuesday, Vagabond Shorts on the weekends, and occasional bonus episodes, and diary entries like this one.
But now it’s time to hit the road again! In just a week, I’ll be boarding an 18-day cruise from Buenos Aires to Italy, with stops in Rio de Janeiro, the Canary Islands, Barcelona, and Marseille along the way. At just 1,023 Euros for the cruise fare (plus internet), it’ll serve as my affordable accommodation, transit, and dining all rolled into one as I work remotely from the ship.
Once in Italy, I’m looking forward to finally checking the long-awaited Istanbul off my list. Then it’s off to Lebanon to join an adventurous group trip through Syria. More plans include TBEX conference in Northern Spain and Kazakhstan, with potential detours through ’Stans like Tajikistan and Kyrgyzstan. And maybe more.
The second half of 2023 could take me hopping across Puerto Rico, Canada’s Eastern provinces, a cruise from Vancouver to Alaska (then back to Canada’s west coast!), Japan, Thailand, and who knows where else.
As I prepare to depart Buenos Aires, I’m already getting nostalgic thinking about afternoons strolling through the striking Recoleta Cemetery and soaking up the passionate capital’s charms. But the vagabond’s heart is eternally restless, eager to discover what adventures await on the horizon.
See the video version of this podcast:
No matter where I roam, I’ll keep cranking out fresh podcasts, videos, and travel stories to inspire your own wanderlust and quench my insatiable curiosity about our endlessly fascinating world.
My name is Palle Bo, and I gotta keep moving. See you.
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